Dr Dean Creer
Consultant in respiratory physician, GMC Registration 4000860
Professional Philosophy
Dr Creer believes in old-fashioned clinical values, like good history taking which requires listening to the patient carefully before an appropriate clinical examination. These clinical skills may need to be coupled with the use of up to date modern diagnostic technologies after discussion with the patient to establish their expectations and identifying their main health concerns before embarking on a investigation and management plan. Clear communication is vital. The key to clinical success is patients having trust and faith in the skill of their clinician within a caring and honest doctor-patient relationship.
Current Posts
Dr Creer works both in the NHS and privately.
NHS Consultant Post
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Barnet Hospital
Private Consulting Practice
BMI Hendon Hospital, London
Highgate Private Hospital, London
The Wellington Hospital Platinum Medical Centre, London
Spire Bushey Hospital, Hertfordshire
Dr Creer works closely with experienced respiratory physicians and chest specialists in the private sector, such as:
Dr Sam Hare, Consultant Chest Radiologist
Clinical Skills
Dr Creer commonly sees patients with the following respiratory complaints and conditions:
Cough (including longstanding cough, coughing excessive sputum and coughing up blood)
Chest pains
Unintentional weight loss with lung cancer risk factors such as smoking
Abnormal chest xrays or CT scans
Abnormal breathing tests
Positive TB skin or TB blood tests
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) including Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
Chronic cough
Unexplained breathlessness
Lung cancer and patients with suspected lung cancer
Snoring and suspected Sleep Apnoea Syndrome
Pulmonary embolism
Sarcoidosis and other forms of lung fibrosis